Line of research

Main goal

The graduate Program in Forest Science (PPGCF), under the administration of the Department of Forest engineering  (DEF) of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), offers courses at Master's and Doctorate levels, in the areas of concentration and respective lines of research:

Forest management

a) Measurement, Inventory and Management of Even and Uneven aged Forests;

b) Forest Policy, Economics, Administration, Planning and Optimization;

c) Ergonomics, Harvest, Roads and Forest Transport;

d) Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing.

Environment and Nature Conservation

a) Ecology, Hydrology, Integrated Management of Watersheds, Management and Conservation of Fauna and Environmental Management Systems;

b) Environmental Impacts and Recovery of Degraded Areas;

c) Parks, Recreation and Urban Forests.


a) Seeds, Propagation and Physiology of Forest Species;

b) Genetics and Forest Improvement;

c) Silvicultural and Agroforestry Systems;

d) Dendrology and Phytosociology;

e) Forestry Innovation.

Technology and Use of Forest Products

a) Forest Products Technology;

b) Cellulose and Paper;

c) Forest Biomass Energy.

2024 © Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Ciência Florestal. Desenvolvido por: Interminas