Thamires Campos de Almeida

Título: Relação entre diversidade de espécies, estoque de carbono e variáveis climáticas em sistemas agroflorestais na Amazônia: uma metanálise.

Orientador: Silvio Nolasco de Oliveira Neto

Nível: Mestrado

Período: 2020/1 até 2022/1

Data: 03/10/2022

Karine Fernandes Caiafa

Título: Resgate de DNA e indução de florescimento precoce de árvores nativas da região de Brumadinho e Nova Lima, MG.

Orientador: Gleison Augusto dos Santos

Nível: Doutorado

Período: 2020/1 até 2022/1

Data: 22/08/2022

Aline Gonçalves Spletozer

Título: Monitoramento e predição do escoamento superficial em minas a céu aberto com foco na extração de bauxita.

Orientador: Herly Carlos Teixeira Dias

Nível: Doutorado

Período: 2018/2 até 2022/1

Data: 13/05/2022

Júlia Graziela da Silveira

Título: Intensificação da agricultura e pecuária baseada em tecnologias de baixa emissão de carbono na Amazônia e Mata Atlântica.

Orientador: Silvio Nolasco de Oliveira Neto

Nível: Doutorado

Período: 2018/1 até 2022/1

Data: 25/03/2022

Ocupação atual: Professor Adjunto, Nível 1 – Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Manuel Pastor Francisco Conjo

Título: Ocorrências de incêndios florestais na região sul de Moçambique.

Orientador: Fillipe Tamiozzo Pereira Torres

Nível: Doutorado

Período: 2019/1 até 2022/1

Data: 13/04/2022

Fernanda Raquel Lambrecht

Título: Influência do déficit hídrico sobre os traços funcionais e estocagem de carbono em florestas de Mata Atlântica, Brasil.

Orientador: Carlos Moreira Miquelino Eleto Torres

Nível: Doutorado

Período: 2017/2 até 2022/1

Data: 25/03/2022

Indira Bifano Comini

Título: Infestação de lianas após ocorrência de incêndio em uma floresta estacional semidecidual com araucaria angustifolia (bertol.) Kuntze.

Orientador: Gumercindo Souza Lima

Nível: Doutorado

Período: 2017/2 até 2022/1

Data: 11/03/2022

Clarissa Gusmão Figueiró

Título: Secagem artificial de toretes de madeira de eucalipto para uso em retortas contínuas de carbonização.

Orientador: Angelica de Cassia Oliveira Carneiro

Nível: Doutorado

Período: 2018/1 até 2022/1

Data: 04/03/2022

Ana Laura da Silva Luz

Título: Dinâmica de espécies arbóreas endêmicas, em risco de extinção e raras ao longo de 24 anos, em floresta secundária da Mata Atlântica.

Orientador: Geraldo Goncalves dos Reis

Nível: Mestrado

Período: 2019/2 até 2021/2

Data: 25/02/2022

Thamirys Andrade Lopes

Título: Nanopartículas de lignina kraft para modificação do adesivo ureia-formaldeído para colagem de madeira.

Orientador: Angelica de Cassia Oliveira Carneiro

Nível: Doutorado

Período: 2018/1 até 2022/1

Data: 24/02/2022

Ocupação atual: Trainee – Suzano – Limeira, São Paulo, Brazil

Letícia Costa Peres

Título: Efeito da extração e do armazenamento de folhas de Corymbia citriodora no rendimento e composição do óleo essencial.

Orientador: Benedito Rocha Vital

Nível: Mestrado

Período: 2019/2 até 2021/2

Data: 21/02/2022

Agust Sales

Título: Resgate e propagação vegetativa de Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum.

Orientador: Aloisio Xavier

Nível: Mestrado

Período: 2018/2 até 2021/2

Data: 15/02/2022

Wilton Ribeiro de Almeida Filho

Título: Estudo dos programas de inovação aberta do setor florestal brasileiro envolvendo Startups.

Orientador: Gleison Augusto dos Santos

Nível: Mestrado

Período: 2019/2 até 2021/2

Data: 07/01/2022


The graduate program in Forest Science, at Master’s and Doctoral levels, counts with the participation of the Departments of General Biology, Plant Biology, Rural Economy, Forest engineering , Phytotechnics, IT, Chemistry and Soils. The student will join the Department of Forest engineering under the supervision of a Supervisory Committee.

BIO 600 Analytical Methods in Biology 6(2-4) I.

Visible and ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Flame and plasma emission spectrophotometry. Radioisotope techniques. Buffer solution and pH. Centrifugation. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Conventional column chromatography. High efficiency column chromatography.

BIO 610 Cell Biology 4(4-0) I and II.

The cell as a unit of biological activity. Cell study methods. Biomacromolecules. The cell surface. Endocytosis and intracellular digestion. Role of peroxisomes in cellular physiology. Functional organization of mitochondria. Functional organization of chloroplasts. The cell nucleus. The cell cycle. The endoplasmic reticulum. The Golgi complex. Cytoskeleton. The plant cell. Cell differentiation.

BIO 611 Cell Biology Laboratory 7(0-7) II.

Light microscope – bright field. Fluorescence microscopy. Polarization microscopy. Phase contrast microscopy. Basics of confocal microscopy. Basic notions of image analysis and photomicroscopy. Preparation of solutions frequently used in the processing of biological materials for microscopy. Processing of biological materials to prepare permanent slides using methaclilate type resins. Cytochemistry. Basics of transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Extraction and dosage of cellular chemical components. Visits to laboratories involved with the processing and analysis of biological materials for light and electron microscopy.

BIO 641 Population Genetics 3(3-0) I.

Probability in genetics. Genetic constitution of a population. Changes in gene frequencies: systematic and dispersive processes. Endogamy.


Probability in genetics. Genetic constitution of a population. Changes in gene frequencies: systematic and dispersive processes. Endogamy.*** corrigir

BQI 620 Enzymology 4(4-0) II.

Enzyme structure. Enzymes as biological catalysts. Classification of enzymes. Enzyme kinetics. Methods for graphing enzyme kinetic data. Enzyme inhibition. Allosteric and multisite enzymes. Enzyme purification.

BVE 612 Plant Anatomy 3(2-3) I.

Origin and organization of the plant body. Primary meristems. Simple tissues. Secondary meristems. Complex tissues. Vegetative organs. Reproductive organs.

BVE 619 Morphogenesis in Plants 3(3-0) II.

General aspects of the organization of the plant body. Gene expression and cellular determination. Coordination and control of vegetative and reproductive development. In vitro morphogenesis

BVE 671 Plant Nutrition and Metabolism 3(3-0) II.

Use of reserve carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Breathing. Cell wall biosynthesis. Greening. Carbon economy. Nitrogen acquisition and assimilation.

BVE 672 Plant Growth and Development 3(3-0) II.

Morphological and structural aspects of development. Growth substances and their metabolism. Mechanisms of action of growth substances. Vegetative growth and its regulation. Apical dominance. Phytochrome and cryptochrome. Circadian rhythms. Movements. Photomorphogenesis. Flowering. Fruit development. Germination and dormancy. Senescence and abscission.

BVE 674 Plant Ecophysiology 3(3-0) II.

Plant in the ecosystem. Radiation in the ecosystem. Use and cycling of mineral elements. Water in the plant and in the ecosystem. Interaction between plants: competition.

BVE 678 Fisiologia das Plantas Lenhosas 3(3-0) I.****************** corrigir

Planta no ecossistema. Radiação no ecossistema. Utilização e ciclagem dos elementos minerais. Água na planta e no ecossistema. Interação entre plantas: competição.

BVE 770 Physiology of Abiotic Stress in Plants 3(3-0) I.

Abiotic stresses. Molecular basis of stress resistance. Light stress. Supra-optimal temperatures and thermal shock. Chilling and freezing stress. Water stress and drought resistance. Oxygen deficiency. Salinity. Environment pollution.

CIV 637 Geographic Information Systems 4(4-0) I.

Geographic information systems. Concepts about spatial information. Representation of map data. Geographic database concept. Digital Elevation Models. Spatial Analysis. Strategic decision analysis. Case studies.

CIV 646 Urban Watersheds 4(4-0) II.

Urban watersheds. Impacts of urbanization. Urban hydrology. Urban flooding. Micro and macro drainage. Direct surface runoff. Soil infiltration and storage. Urban erosion and sediment production. Qualitative aspects of surface runoff in urban areas. Restoration of urban watersheds. Application of strategic decision analysis in urban river basins.

ENF 600 Dendrology 3(1-4) II.

Survey and identification of forest species of promising economic value or recognized use, existing in the country.

ENF 606 Forest Typology 3(2-2) II.

Auto-ecology. Specific ecological factors. Climatic methods for assessing productivity. Use of height, diameter and other parameters. Vegetation as an evaluative element. Soil and topography and special methods, serving as technical basis for determining the quality of the site.

ENF 608 Ecology and Forest Restoration 4(2-4) I and II.

Terminology and concepts in restoration ecology. Environmental gradients and the distribution of tree species. Nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. Ecological succession and natural regeneration. Phytogeography and phytosociology applied to forest restoration. Restoration through nucleation techniques. Restoration through planting in total area. Indicators for evaluating and monitoring restored areas.

ENF 610 Remote Sensing 3(2-2) II.

Concept and history of remote sensing. Nature and sources of electromagnetic energy measured by remote sensing systems. Interaction between energy and matter. Remote data acquisition. Digital pre-processing of data. Automatic classification of orbital images. Interpretation of thematic images. Use of data in studies of land cover and use.

ENF 612 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4(2-2) I.

Conceptualization and importance. Data models. Creation of a georeferenced database. Algebraic operations. Spatial modeling. Case studies.

ENF 613 Advanced Topics in Geographic Information Systems 3(2-2) II.

Conceptualization and importance. Spatial data acquisition. Preparation of maps. Network models. Spatial modeling.

ENF 627 Forest Measurement 4(2-2) I.

Scientific method in forest measurement. Special case studies in dendrometry and forest inventory. Determination of production capacity. Sampling for growth and production studies. Modeling the growth and forest production of non-thinned stands. Modeling the growth and production of thinned stands.

ENF 630 Formation and Dormancy of Forest Seeds 4(2-2) I.

Seed formation. Reserves synthesis. Development and regulation. Hormones and development. Basic concepts of dormancy and quiescence. Types of dormancy. Dormancy control. Methods for overcoming dormancy.

ENF 631 Germination of Forest Seeds 2(2-0) II.

Environmental control of germination. Physiological and metabolic aspects of germination. Action of hormones on germination.

ENF 632 Vegetative Propagation of Tree Plants 4(2-2) II.

Principles of tree plant propagation. Biology of vegetative propagation of tree plants. Vegetative propagation by grafting. Vegetative propagation by enrooting cuttings: layering and cuttings. Vegetative propagation by minicutting and microcutting. In vitro vegetative propagation: micrografting and micropopulation.

ENF 633 Forest Growth and Production 3(3-0) II.

Introduction. Propagation processes. Tree life cycle. Vegetative growth of forest plants. Reproductive growth of trees. Physiological processes in trees

ENF 634 Clonal Forestry 3(3-0) I

Clonal forestry. Biology of clonal propagation. Forest improvement strategies and clone selection methods. Clonal testing: goals and basic procedures. Strategies and management of clonal forests: types of plantations and numbers of clones.

ENF 635 Forest Improvement 5(3-2) II.

Forest genetic improvement; genetic variation; experimental techniques in forest improvement; introduction to quantitative genetics; selection criteria; improvement methods applied to forests; Forest improvement strategies.

ENF 636 Silvicultural Techniques 4(2-2) I.

Choice of species. Choice of location. Systematization and soil preparation. Fertilization and forest nutrition. Spacing. Planting. Forest maintenance. Thinning. Pruning. Regeneration of forest stands.

ENF 637 Innovation, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property in the Forestry Area.

Innovation, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property in the Forestry Area.

ENF 640 Forest Economics I 4(4-0) I.

Introduction to forest economics. Importance of the forest sector for the country. Basic economic concepts applied to the forest sector. Financial mathematics applied to the forest sector. Costs at the forestry company. Assessment of forest projects. Practical applications.

ENF 642 Structure, Dynamics and Management of Native Forests 4(3-2) I and II.

Vegetation mapping and classification. Analysis of native forest structures. Census or prospecting inventory or 100% inventory with tree mapping. Native forest management plans: technical and legal guidelines. Methods for determining cutting or harvesting in native forests. Regulation of production and sustainability of native forest management. Harvest systems and silvicultural systems applied to native forests. Monitoring of management plans and continuous forest inventory of native forests. Forest growth and production prognosis of native forests. Assessment of environmental and social impacts of native forest management. Economic evaluation of native forest management. Multiple use of native forests. Native forest management certification. Restrictions on the management of native forests.

ENF 643 Forest Management 5(3-2) I.

Elements of forest management. Growth, production and structure of forest stands. Use of growth and production models in forest management. Forest rotation. Production regulation. Decision support models in forest management. Forest assessment. Management of thinned plantations. Risks and uncertainties in forest management.

ENF 644 Forestry Optimization 4(4-0) I.

Conceptualization and importance. Linear Programming. Goal programming. Network models. Dynamic programming.

ENF 645 Agroforestry 4(2-2) I and II.

Agroforest science and agroforestry systems. Concepts and classification of agroforestry systems. Diagnosis and planning of agroforestry systems. Agroforestry in the world. Principles of species selection for agroforestry systems. Experimentation in agroforestry systems. Agroforestry extension. Soil productivity and conservation in agroforestry systems. Economic analysis of agroforestry systems.

ENF 646 Forest Planning I 4(4-0) I.

Basic concepts. Administration functions. Administration process. Forest planning. Review on the evaluation of forestry projects. Formulation of forestry projects.

ENF 647 Forest Harvest 4(4-0) I.

Forest harvesting in Brazil. Mechanization. Cut. Extraction. Loading and unloading. Systems. Planning. Costs. Mechanical maintenance. Ergonomics applied to work. Precision forest. Total quality. Soil compaction. Environmental impacts. Outsourcing. Quality of life at work. Integrated management of forestry machines.

ENF 649 Forestry Ergonomics 3(3-0) II.

Introduction to ergonomics. Ergonomic systems approach. Occupational biomechanics. Applied anthropometry. Work physiology. Workstation. Controls and information devices. Environmental factors. Human factors at work. Workplace safety. Organization of work. Ergonomic assessment of forestry operations, machines and equipment.

ENF 650 Physics of Wood and Wood Derivatives 3(3-0) II.

Heat transfer in wood and wood products. Water-wood relationship. Permeability. Capillarity. Electrical properties of wood and wood products. Flow and supercritical fluids in wood.

ENF 651 Wood Mechanics 4(2-2) II.

Wood as a raw material in engineering. Wood technology, physical and mechanical properties. Structural classification. Mechanical Properties – Calculation basis according to NBR7190 and notions about sizing of structural elements: beams, pillars and flat trusses and roof structures. Mechanical tests and their respective behaviors. Determination of the Modulus of Elasticity and Rupture. Constructive provisions and design and execution standards.

ENF 652 Furniture Industry 3(2-2) I.

Characteristics of the furniture industry in Brazil. Main furniture hubs. Economic indicators. Main raw materials. Furniture production processes. Factors inherent to production processes. Work safety and accident prevention.

ENF 653 Wood Quality 4(4-0) II.

Formation of the woody cell. Cell wall structure. Morphology of the woody cell. Anatomical structure of wood and properties of wood. Qualitative characterization of wood. Variability in wood properties. Wood defects. Factors that affect the quality of wood. Quality and use of wood.

ENF 654 National Fibrous Raw Materials 2(2-0) I.

Fibrous raw materials used in Brazil. Relationships between wood quality and cellulose properties. Production of wood with desirable qualities for cellulose. Conifers and broadleaves in the manufacture of cellulose and paper. Use of waste in cellulose production. Cellulose mixture. Relationships between cellulose and paper properties. Evaluation of fibrous raw material for cellulose production. Cellulose from abnormal wood.

ENF 660 Wood Chemistry 4(2-2) I.

Chemical constitution of wood. Carbohydrate chemistry. Biosynthesis of wood polysaccharides. Cellulose. Hemicelluloses. Lignin. Extractives.

Anatomical structure and chemical constitution of the shell. Use of chemical constituents of wood.

ENF 661 Pulping Technology and Chemistry 6(2-4) II

Basic concepts. Wooden courtyard. Wood pulping methods.

Alkaline pulping processes. Chemistry of alkaline processes. Kraft Process. Recovery of kraft waste liquor. Acidic processes. High-yield processes.

ENF 662 Cellulose Bleaching 3(2-3) II

History and introduction. Bleaching of mechanical and chemical-mechanical pulps. Bleaching of semi-chemical pulps. Bleaching of chemical pulps. Reversal of the whiteness of bleached pulps. Preparation of chemical bleaching. Displacement bleaching. Environmental aspects of bleaching.

ENF 663 Paper Technology 5(2-3) I.

Technological foundations of dough preparation systems for paper production. Scientific principles of refining and/or milling. Paper formation theory. Technological principles of paper forming machines. Pressing. Drying of paper and pulp. Calendering. Paper surface treatments. Technological aspects of cylindrical formers.

Technical-administrative considerations on the economy (efficiency and productivity) of paper machine operation.

ENF 664 Properties of Paper 5(2-3) II.

The paper industry. Fibrous resources for paper production. Physicochemical aspects of inter-fiber bonds in paper formation. Paper structure. Physical-mechanical properties of papers. Paper additives.

Optical properties of paper. Paper coloring.

ENF 665 Energy and Materials Balance in the Pulp Industry 2(1-2) II.

Introduction to calculations in cellulose and paper engineering. Mass and heat transfer. Discussion of equipment involved in mass and heat transfer. Material balances applied to the paper pulp industry. Energy balances applied to the cellulose and paper industry.

ENF 666 Environmental Control in the Pulp and Paper Industry 5(3-2) I and II.

Basic aspects in environmental protection. Pulp and paper production processes. Water quality and treatment. Quality and treatment of liquid effluents. Solid waste management. Atmospheric emissions.

Closing water circuits. Environmental control and sampling program.

ENF 667 Wood Adhesives 4(3-2) II.

Basic concept of adhesion and adhesives. Urea-formaldehyde adhesives. Phenol-formaldehyde adhesives. Resorcinol-based adhesives. Melanin-formaldehyde adhesives. Diisocyanate adhesives. Tannin-based adhesives. Lignin-based adhesives. Carbohydrate-based adhesives.

ENF 668 Wood Energy 5(2-3) I.

Wood energy in the Brazilian and global energy context and biorefinery. Properties of wood for energy and roasting. Wood combustion and bioelectricity. Slow and fast pyrolysis. Gasification of wood. Liquefaction of wood. Compaction of agroforestry biomass for the production of briquettes and pellets. Environmental impacts of using forest biomass for energy.

ENF 669 Wooden Sheets and Panels 4(3-2) I.

Basic concepts in the production of composite sheets. The phenomenon of adhesion. Plywood manufacturing. Manufacture of particle wood sheets. Manufacture of wooden panels.

ENF 670 Chemical Recovery Cycle of the Kraft Process 3(3-0) I and II.

Principles of chemical recovery. Evaporation and concentration of black liquor. Non-condensable gases (NCG's). Chemistry of the recovery process. Preparation of white liquor. The lime kiln.

ENF 671 Wood Preservation 4(2-2) II.

Influence of anatomical and physical characteristics on the preservation of wood. Natural durability of wood. Agents responsible for wood deterioration (bacteria, fungi, insects, marine borers, physical, mechanical, chemical and 'Weathering' agents). Preservative products and properties of preservatives. Pressure-free treatment methods (homemade method). Pressure treatment method (industrial method – autoclave). Environmental, economic and legal considerations on wood preservation. Preservative efficiency test and evaluation of the natural durability of wood. Economic and legal considerations on wood preservation. Fire-retardant products. Thermal processes for wood preservation. Non-destructive methods of wood health analysis (X-ray disintometry and transverse vibration).

ENF 672 Anatomical Structure of Wood 4(2-2) II.

Wood Producing Plants. Anatomical planes of wood and microtechnical elements. Tree growth and wood formation (Growth rings). Macro and micro structure of gymnosperms. Macro and micro structure of hardwoods. Tyloses and mineral inclusions: Definition, formation and implications (prismatic crystals, druses and other types of crystals). Elements of chemical composition and ultrastructure of the woody cell wall. Defects in the anatomical structure of wood.

ENF 680 Fire Ecology 3(3-0) I and II.

Historical aspects related to fire. Forest fire concept; burning; controlled burning and controlled natural burning. Fire-a natural phenomenon. Factors affecting the fire regime. Adaptation of plants and animals to fire: physical characteristics and reproduction processes. Ecological role of fire. Effects of fire. The fire and plant succession.

ENF 683 Landscape and Urban Ecosystem Analysis 4(2-2) I.

Introduction to the importance of studying the landscape. Structure and composition of landscapes. Analysis and interpretation scales. Landscape ecology. Landscape perception and environmental perception. Landscape metrics and analysis. Landscape analysis in urban ecosystems. Characterization of the urban ecosystem. Urban Forest: essential component of the landscape.

ENF 684 Planning and Management of Protected Areas 4(4-0) II.

Concepts in nature conservation and conservation units. Conservation strategies through area protection. Management of conservation units. Protected area management tools. Case studies. Production of articles and development of research in protected areas.

ENF 685 Environmental Impact Assessment 3(2-2) II.

Introduction. National legislation relevant to the assessment of environmental impacts. The environmental impact study (EIA) and respective environmental impact report (RIMA). Basic concepts in environmental impact assessment. Environmental impact assessment methods. Qualitative and quantitative classification of environmental impacts. Profile of the team preparing an environmental impact study. Stages of preparing and approving an environmental impact study. Responsibility of key social actors.

ENF 686 Environmental Management Systems 4(2-2) II.

The Context of the environmental issue. The tool for systematic thinking. Corporate environmentalism. The environmental management system. The institutional vision of environmental programs. Organizational culture. Planning and execution of environmental programs and projects.

ENF 687 Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management 3(3-0) I.

History and concepts on integrated watershed management in the forest sector. Forests and the water cycle. Forest hydrology. Legal basis for integrated river basin management. Morphometry of micro-watersheds. Use and Conservation of forest soils. Conservation of springs. Expected results from the management of micro-watersheds. Case study.

ENF 688 Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Afforestation and Reforestation 3(3-0) I.

Introduction. Assessment of environmental impacts of the forest implementation stage. Assessment of environmental impacts of the forest maintenance stage. Assessment of environmental impacts of the forest harvesting stage. Main environmental functions of planted forests.

ENF 689 Topics in Wildlife Management 3(3-0) I.

Introduction. Habitat and Wild Fauna. Habitat Assessment Models. Wildlife Survey. Wildlife Management Techniques.

ENF 690 Forestry Research Methodology 3(3-0) I.

Basic principles of applied research in the forest sector; philosophical and scientific basis of research; techniques for problem solving. Planning and execution of forestry research. Search and citation of

literature; measurement, quantification, summarization and interpretation of data. Scientific writing.

ENF 740 Forest Economics II 4(4-0) II.

Financial structure of forest projects. Forest rotation and regulation. Reform and replacement of forest stands. Evolution of the forest products market. Costs at the forestry company. Economic damage assessment. Outsourcing in the forestry area (economic focus). Risks and uncertainties in the forest sector (economic focus). Study of forest product production chains. Technological innovation in the forest sector. Alternatives for marketing forestry products.

ENF 746 Forest Planning II 3(3-0) II.

Planning of the Brazilian forest sector. Size and location of forest projects. Techniques and/or tools applied in forestry planning. Important theoretical topics in forest company planning.

ENF 750 Economics of Renewable Natural Resources 4(4-0) I and II.

Basic concepts. Circular economy. Sustainable economy. Pollution savings. Pollution market. Taxation and optimal pollution. Environmental standards. Permissible pollution limits. Measurement of environmental damage.

Environmental valuation methods. Forest and environmental certification. Climate changes. Provision of environmental services. Case studies.

ENF 776 Teaching Internship I 1(0-1) I and II.

Training course for graduate students, which allows the student to acquire experience in preparing, planning and teaching theoretical and practical classes in undergraduate disciplines of the Department of Forest engineering , under the supervision and monitoring of the professor responsible for the course.

ENF 777 Teaching Internship II 2(0-2) I and II.

Training course for graduate students, which allows the student to acquire experience in preparing, planning and teaching theoretical and practical classes in undergraduate disciplines of the Department of Forest engineering , under the supervision and monitoring of the professor responsible for the course.

ENF 778 Teaching Internship III 3(0-3) I and II.

Training course for graduate students, which allows the student to acquire experience in preparing, planning and teaching theoretical and practical classes in undergraduate disciplines of the Department of Forest engineering , under the supervision and monitoring of the professor responsible for the course.

ENF 790 Special Topics in Forest science I 1( - ) I, II and III.

Non-regularly offered course, taught by visiting professors or from the Institution itself, concentrated or not. Variable content, covering important topics for the student's overall education, not covered in regular UFV subjects.

ENF 791 Special Topics in Forest science II 2( - ) I, II and III.

Non-regularly offered course, taught by visiting professors or from the Institution itself, concentrated or not. Variable content, covering important topics for the student's overall education, not covered in regular UFV subjects.

ENF 792 Special Topics in Forest science III 3( - ) I, II and III.

Non-regularly offered course, taught by visiting professors or from the Institution itself, concentrated or not. Variable content, covering important topics for the student's overall education, not covered in regular UFV subjects.

ENF 796 Special Problems 3( - ) I, II and III.

It aims to offer students the opportunity to study topics of interest related to the specific area of ​​research and deemed important for their training.

ENF 797 Seminar 2(2-0) I and II.

ENF 799 Research.

ENG 641 Hydrology 4(4-0) I

Basic understanding of water resources management. Individualization and obtaining physical characteristics of river basins. Precipitation. Evaporation from lakes and evapotranspiration. Infiltration of water into the soil.

Water flow over the soil surface. Study of flow in watercourses. Sedimentology

ENG 675 Biomass Energy 4(2-2) I

Biomass as an energy source. Properties of biomass for energy generation. Forms of biomass conversion. Theoretical and practical aspects of biomass pyrolysis. Theoretical and practical aspects of biomass combustion. Theoretical and practical aspects of biomass gasification. Other ways of using biomass.

ERU 600 Microeconomic Theory I 4(4-0) I.

Consumer behavior theory. Topics in general equilibrium. Theory of the firm. Choose under conditions of uncertainty. The theory of prices in a perfectly imperfect competitive market.

ERU 605 Macroeconomic Theory I 4(4-0) I.

The state of the art of modern microeconomics. Deterministic dynamic methods in macroeconomics. Exogenous growth models. Endogenous growth models. Stochastic growth models.

ERU 626 Econometrics 4(4-0) I.

The econometric method. Linear regression model. Econometric problems in the linear model. Use of binary variables in the regression model. Distributed lag models. Multiequational models.

Time series analysis. Panel data analysis.

ERU 745 Production Economics and Productivity Analysis.

EST 620 Experimental Statistics I 4(2-2) I and II.

Experiment planning. Hypothesis testing. Contrasts. Variance Analysis. Experimental designs. Procedures for multiple comparisons. Linear Regression Models. Factorial experiments. Split-plot experiments. Response surface. Analysis of experimental groups.

EST 630 Statistical Methods I 4(2-2) I and II.

Mathematical expected value. Variance and Covariance. Hypothesis testing. Parameter estimation. Regression analysis. Identity testing of regression models. Correlation analysis.

EST 631 Statistical Methods II 4(2-2) I and II.

Experimental designs with emphasis on variance components. Data transformation. Split-plot experiments. Factorial experiments. Response surface.

EST 635 Applied Spatial Statistics 4(2-2) I and II.

Concepts in Probability and Inference. Spatial description. Spatial autocorrelation. Tests for spatial autocorrelation. Semivariograms and Crossvariograms. Linear prediction and Kriging. Cross validation.

Anisotropy. Block kriging and cokriging. Regression with spatially autocorrelated errors. Analysis of experimental designs considering spatial correlation. Spatial sampling.

EST 640 Linear Models I 4(2-2) I and II.

Generalized inverses of real matrices. Systems of linear equations. Quadratic forms and distributions. Regression models or full rank models. Correlation. Experimental design models.

FIT 600 Soil Management and Conservation 3(2-2) I.

Nature of the phenomena that cause soil deterioration, aiming to understand the principles on which their management and conservation are based. Methods used to conserve soil. Elements for agricultural planning, using the soil conservation criterion. Aerial photography in

management and conservation.

FIT 632 Plant Cell and Tissue Culture 3(2-2) I.

Retrospective of plant cell and tissue culture. In vitro morphogenesis and its control. Applications of plant cell and tissue culture. Preparation and composition of nutrient media. In vitro culture steps. Factors affecting in vitro culture. management and conservation.

FIT 710 Soil-Plant Relationship 3(3-0) II.

Soil as a nutrient source for plants. Root development affected by internal and external factors. Root/soil interface in nutrient absorption. Rhizosphere microbiota. Adaptation of plants to adverse soil environments.

INF 682 Optimization I 4(4-0) I.

Linear optimization. Integer and mixed optimization. Multi-criteria optimization.

INF 683 Optimization II 4(4-0) I and II.

Integer and mixed linear optimization. Network optimization. Non-linear optimization.

LET 604 Portuguese for Foreigners: Reading and Text Production 4(3-1) I and II

Reading and production of academic texts for foreign students. Production of oral texts. Analysis of

academic written texts. Text production. Lexical and grammatical adequacy.

LET 610 Instrumental English I 4(4-0) I and II.

Vocabulary analysis. Study of linguistic structures. Features of academic discourse. Application of techniques for reading and understanding technical-scientific texts.

PPG 600 Rhetoric in the Digital Age: Reading, Organization and Writing with New Technologies I and II.

Introduction. The media revolution and digital literacy. Readers and Digital Reading. Zettelkasten: Fantasy Machine and textual creation. Inconclusion: readings and readers

PPG 750 Fundraising for Research: Experiences and Practices 3(3-0) I and II.

Introduction. Capture support. Channels and intake routes. Internal procedures Campuses, Centers and Institutes. Units and procedures. Success Cases.

PPG 770 Improving Skills in Writing Scientific Articles in Engineering 1(1-0) I and II.

How to write a scientific article in engineering. Reference managers. Indexed journals

PPG 800 Power, Influence And Persuasion 2(2-0) I and II.

Bases and General Concepts. Power. Influence and Persuasion. Persuasion Tools. Refinements and add-ons

PPG 810 Ethics: Action and Decision Models 1(1-0) I and II.

Fundamental notions, concepts and theses – Ethics and Ethical Systems; Conceptual distinctions: habits, customs, morals and ethics; Traditional ethical systems or models. Eudaimonism: Plato, Aristotle and Hellenism

Deontologism: Immanuel Kant and the return to Kant. Ethics of Conviction and Ethics of Responsibility: Max Weber Consequentialism: pragmatism and utilitarianism Institutionalism: John Rawls and Niklas Luhmann

Case studies and practical issues.

PPG 860 Business Models and Entrepreneurial Strategies 3(3-0) I and II.

Basic concepts. Development of conceptual structures: causal link models. Development of logical-mathematical structures: flow and stock models. Development of business simulators

PPG 881 From the University to the Job Market 3(3-0) I and II.

Introduction. Preparation for the job market. Preparation of professional CV. How to discover the job market. Training and personal development

PRE 400 Knowledge Exchange 4(1-3) I.

Develop and carry out university extension projects and events held at UFV. Provide experiences and

consolidate an ecology or dialogues of knowledge through the articulation of knowledge generated at the university and popular knowledge; identify and strengthen the important cultural dimensions for the agroecological transition; strengthen partnerships between UFV and social movements and organizations; expand the debate on family farming and agroecology and; give visibility to the experiences of the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais, an Agroecological and family farming hub region.

PRE 409 Science, Technology and Innovation for Brazilian Development 2(2-0).

Make students understand the concepts of Science, Technology and Socioeconomic Development, as well as their relationship with transformations in society and nature.

PRE 410 Human Rights Education 1(1-0).

Training, dissemination and production of knowledge activities that contribute to the development of the universal culture of human rights.

PRE 411 Environmental Sustainability 2(2-0).

Know the basis of environmental education and its history and thus debate current environmental issues in the classroom, given the local, regional and national reality. The student must be able to point out the main environmental problems, in addition to developing critical thinking in relation to traditional Brazilian communities and the environment, as well as the society in which they are inserted.

PRE 412 Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous History and Culture 2(1-1).

Understanding race relations in contemporary Brazil. Conceptualize interpersonal, institutional, epistemic and structural racism. Identifying agencies of black and indigenous movements: achievements and challenges. Address the history of the black and indigenous population in Brazil. Understand the notion of affirmative action policies and their impacts on Brazilian society. Point out strategies to combat structural racism, in Brazilian society, and epistemic racism, in Brazilian universities

QUI 633 Physical Methods for Identification of Organic Compounds 4(4-0) II.

Spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and visible region (UV-VIS). Spectroscopy in the infrared (IR) region. Mass spectrometry (MS). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Elucidation of the structure of organic compounds by analyzing UV-VIS, IR, EM and NMR data.

QUI 635 High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Gas Chromatography 4(4-0) I.

Introduction to chromatographic methods. Definition and separation principles of high-performance liquid chromatography. Advantages and limitations of high performance liquid chromatography. Chromatographic parameters. Instrumentation of a high-efficiency liquid chromatograph. Applications of high performance liquid chromatography. Definition and principles of gas chromatography separation. Advantages and limitations of gas chromatography. Instrumentation of a gas chromatograph. Derivatization of samples to be analyzed by gas chromatography. Gas chromatography applications.

QUI 715 Sample Preparation and Analysis by Chromatography 4(3-2) II.

Preparation of samples for analysis by gas chromatography. Methods for extracting and purifying organic substances. Analysis by gas chromatography. Discussion of current topics related to sample preparation and chromatographic analysis.

SOL 645 Forest Ecosystem Soils 4(3-2) I.

Conceptualization of forest soils. Forest soils and tree nutrition in the face of environmental problems. Soils associated with forest biomes. Productivity and classification of forest sites. Forest growth dynamics. Soil properties and forest growth. Biomass and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. Mineral nutrition of forest species. Forest fertilization: nursery and field. Fertilization of

forest species. Intensive forest management and sustaining soil productivity.

SOL 646 Recovery of Degraded Areas 6(2-4) II.

Characterization of degraded area (AD). Sources of environmental degradation, mineral exploitation and the environment. Objectives of AD recovery. Recovery plan for degraded areas-PRAD. Soil formation processes and RAD. Geomorphology and topographic reconstruction in the context of RAD. Sulfide geochemistry and acid drainage generation. Storage and return of “topsoil” and use of litter. Revegetation and ecological principles applied to RAD. Monitoring and evaluation of the RAD process.

SOL 670 Soil Fertility 5(5-0) I.

Soil fertility in the historical and current context. Usual concepts in soil fertility. Nutrients in the soil-solution continuum. Soil acidity and its correction. Nitrogen. Phosphor. Potassium. Sulfur. Micronutrients. Assessment of fertility by chemical analysis of the soil. Soils with improved fertility. Nutritional diagnosis of plants. Mathematical modeling of soil fertility.

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